Before I laid tile, I wanted to get the majority of the walls painted. Here is where my young daughters finally got to help, although we ended up running out of paint before we were done. Since it was New Years weekend the paint store was not open to get more.
I used 1/2" spacers to separate the tiles. In retrospect, I think that 3/8" would have looked better. One-half inch is just a little too wide a grout line. But, I am pretty happy with how it turned out.
I learned a lot though. Grout is hard on your hands ... wear rubber gloves when laying the stuff. My fingers had no feeling in them and it tore the skin up something fierce by the end of the project. A manual tile cutter works pretty well, and I ended up breaking only a single piece in the course of the work. However, small diagonal cuts are tricky, and tile nippers are very useful for cleaning up the bits that do not cooperate.