I am an engineer. That means I am way too liable to track and chart things. That includes my weight. And body fat. Body fat? Yes, I use an Marshall Omron Body Fat Analyser HBF-306 to track that. I an Epinions review available of this device, if you're interested. Anyway, I have charts of my weight and body fat going waaaay back, but for the purposes of this experiment we only need fall back to late last year.
Here is the weight chart:
And the body fat percentage chart:
You can't see it from this, but things were pretty stable up until late November. Then we see a jump in weight (though not body fat, oddly enough) over the next month (duh, Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Twin Terrors of Weight Control). Then a gradual decline through mid-February back to the same range as before the holidays.
About this time, our treadmill broke. The motor gave out. I don't think it liked a 200 pound dude jogging on it. Anyway, it quit and for a while I went back to an exercise bike. "A while", like one week. We ended up buying a Vision Fitness HRT X6200 Elliptical Machine.
It took me a while to figure out equivalent exercise routines on the new machine that matched what I had been doing on the treadmill. The routine I finally settled on means I exercise five times a week. Monday and Friday I run an interval program called Sprint 8. This is an interval cycle based on Phil Campbell's Ready, Set, Go! Synergy Fitness. For more information you can visit this page at Vision Fitness. Tuesday and Thursday I do an 80% of maximum heart rate cardio workout. Wednesday is a 70% of maximum heart rate fat burning workout.
Unfortunately, while I was figuring this out, my weight went up. From a running average of 207.5 to a running average of about 211. Worse, my body fat reading showed this to be true weight gain, as my average body fat percentage rose from 19.4% to 21%. Not good, we need to do something.
On the radio I have heard advertisements for Chitogenics featuring Tom Martino. Now Tom is a little over-the-top for me, but I respect the reputation that he has developed. So it lent quite a bit of credence to the advertisement that he would endorse a product. That endorsement set this product apart from the typical late-night TV advertised diet pill. I decided to give it a shot.
It is not cheap. However, I figured that I would order enough for one month, try it, track the results, and write about the experience here. This would help fill the gap of Internet information on Chitogenics. Anyway, I ordered it Saturday May 28th. We will see how long it takes to get here.
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